Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A year in Photos - Jan. 14th - 25th

Last Fall, I attended David Ziser's photography seminar in Chicago. It was awesome! One of the things David said was to always ask yourself this question when you were shooting, "What would happen if......." and you fill in the blank whether its something that refers to lighting, posing, etc.

This question is in my mind daily as I not only work with clients; but also my photo of the day. As you will see, the answer to some of these questions, are not to do it again.

Jan. 14th - Peek Week at Anna's dance class.

Jan 15th - This is what's left following a cake smash portrait!

January 16th - Snowball fight!!!

Jan 17th - Dan hauled the smoker out and smoked some pork ribs. Yum!!

Jan. 18th - Sara practicing the piano. My speedlight is sitting on the piano.

Jan. 19th - Almost forgot! I walked into the bathroom while Anna was brushing her teeth and told her to say "cheese". Photo of the day, done.

Jan. 20th. It was very icy outside so we didn't venture too far out.
Sara held my speedlight for me while I shot.

Jan. 21st - I asked myself, "What would happen if I set my speedlight by my side"? As you can see,
the question was answered. I moved on.

Jan. 22nd - This little sweetie stopped by the studio today. She had a wonderful time playing with the flower petals. I used the Totally Rad B&W action and then brought the opacity down for this unique color.

Jan. 23rd - I have new hats and headbands!! This hat just happened to be
attached to a baby when I made the portrait!

Jan. 24th - Sara has really enjoyed the "photo of the day" challenge. She asks me everyday what I have
done. On Sunday, she came running upstairs and asked me if her "silly looking snowman"
could be my photo of the day. Of course I said yes!

Jan. 25th. A little backlighting for you. My speedlight is behind Sara, my reflector is in front!

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