Saturday, January 9, 2010

A year in Photos

I was challenged to take a photo every day during 2010. I accepted this challenge and just wanted to share with you what I've been up to this week.

Jan 1st. I took this at 9:30 p.m. about 10 minutes after I accepted the challenge. I grabbed by camera and threw the speedlight on top! I bounced the light off the white laundry basket that happened to be in the living room. Our dog, Boughchieux, is guarding the popcorn.

Jan 2nd. The girls received nail kits from Santa. While they were doing their nails, I grabbed the camera and focused on the clear nail polish. I'd like to continue to work with this little bottle since now I'd like to add a little more light to it - make it "shiny".

Jan. 3rd. This is the Snowman Dan and the girls built. If I would have thought things through, I would have photographed them building it and then documented the melting. Still lots of time to do that this winter. I used a little fill flash and played with the B&W action from Totally Rad Actions.

Jan 4th. I shot the ice a couple of times today. Even crawled up on a ladder - I was still too short and didn't get the shot I wanted. This photo is from the second attempt. I was out about 6:30 p.m. The light source is the light above our garage door.

Jan. 5th. Right before the tree came down, I finally managed to finish Sara's Christmas portraits. When we were done, she crawled under the tree and announced she was a Christmas Present.

Jan. 6th. Me.

Jan. 7th. Our feeder was full when I woke up this morning. By late morning, the birdies were having a true feast. I shot this through our living room window.

Jan. 8th. Anna coloring. Flash is bounced off the t.v.

Jan. 8th. Sara writing a story. Flash bounced off the t.v.

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